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类别: 时间: 2009-06-09 来源:凤凰网时尚

标签:Skagen 捷成 Designs 格拉苏蒂 The

  捷成钟表再添新军,Skagen Designs带来更为丰富选择


  上海,2009年5月27日],作为大中华地区领导市场的优质产品市场规划和分销企业,捷成集团(捷成)今天宣布,丹麦设计公司Skagen Designs签约成为其中国区的主要商业伙伴。根据协议,捷成将在中国为Skagen Designs产品提供分销服务。

  Skagen Designs致力于创造独特且物超所值的豪华配件,包括腕表、珠宝首饰、太阳眼镜和时钟。在此之前,捷成钟表已经为拥有完美珠宝镶嵌技艺的Cuervo y Sobrinos,来自德国制表重镇格拉苏蒂的NOMOS,以复杂功能著称的柏高(Paul Picot)以及广受欢迎的蕾蒙威(Raymond Weil)提供分销服务,Skagen Designs这一品牌的进入使捷成钟表延伸至时尚且物超所值的奢侈品市场。

  在协议之下,捷成奢侈品业务单位旗下的钟表部将在中国作为独家代理商向零售商分销Skagen Designs产品。它也将积极提升Skagen Designs的品牌建设,并提供一支训练有素,专业积极的销售队伍,配合Skagen Designs的销售战略将产品销售提升到极至。此外,捷成也将为零售商提供销售培训和顾客销售工具,并对其进行监督和管理。

  "2009年,捷成钟表持续扩大其在中国市场的占有率,与当地零售渠道保持良好的关系。 " 捷成集团董事毕少朴说道,"现在,我们很高兴引进Skagen Designs,进一步提高我们的奢侈品业务。这是一个高品质、时尚而又物超所值的全新奢侈品品牌。我们对中国市场潜力充满信心,并已经准备就绪运用我们积淀百年的专业知识在该地区取得成功。"

  "我们相信斯堪的纳维亚的审美-简洁,优雅的设计,高超的工艺和精密的技术,这是我们已被普遍认可的产品理念。" Skagen Designs集团营运总裁Steen Albrechtslund表示, "凭借捷成集团在大中华区的丰富经验,我们期待在该地区充分发挥品牌潜力。"



  关于Skagen Designs

  Skagen位于丹麦最北端的半岛,波罗的海及北海的交会,岛上风景如画的沙滩让都市人可以暂时逃离喧闹及烦器。因为这样独特的生活体验与自然美景,很多艺术家亦慕名而至,希望享受这里的海洋、阳光、新鲜空气及幼沙,让Skagen成为一个独具魅力的景点。1989年,来自哥本哈根的Henrik 及Charlotte Jorst被Skagen的美感及艺术气息所启发,创立了Skagen Designs。Skagen Designs 专门制造各种饰品,包括钟表、珠宝首饰、太阳眼镜及时钟,设计以精简及和谐为主,避免过份的点缀及过于夸张的奢侈感觉,务求结合自然的高质素材料与简洁而朴实的设计,体现丹麦式设计的风味。Skagen Designs 所制造的饰品都散发艺术气息,不单充满丹麦式设计的美感,更为客户提升高贵的品味,价格却十分合理。时至今日,Skagen Designs 已发展为国际企业,总部设于美国内华达(Nevada)的雷诺(Reno),并于中国香港和丹麦的Albertslund设有地区办事处,亦于丹麦的斯卡恩(Skagen)及哥本哈根 (Copenhagen)、日本的东京、大阪和名古屋,以及台湾的台北设有旗舰店,并计划于不久将来在全球各地开设更多旗舰店和概念专门店。Skagen Designs旗下饰品现时于超过60个国家及逾20间航空公司的航班上发售。

  Jebsen Diversifies its Watch Portfolio with Skagen Designs

  Signing of Danish company as principal extends Jebsen's reach into the fashionable affordable luxury market

  Shanghai - May 27, 2009 -- Jebsen Group (Jebsen), a leading marketing and distribution organisation for premium products with a unique presence in the Greater China region, announced today that it has signed Danish design company Skagen Designs as its principal in PR China. Under the deal, Jebsen will provide distribution services for Skagen Design products in the country.

  Skagen Design creates unique yet attainable luxury accessories, including timepieces, jewellery, sunglasses and clocks. This new principal for Jebsen Watch - which already represents Cuervo y Sobrinos, Nomos Glashütte, Paul Picot and Raymond Weil - extends Jebsen's reach into the fashionable affordable luxury market.

  Under the agreement, Jebsen Watch, a division under the Group's Luxury business unit, will have the exclusive right to distribute Skagen Design products to retailers in PR China. It will also actively promote the Skagen Design brand and maintain a well-trained, dedicated and motivated sales force with the purpose of maximising sales of Skagen Design products in accordance with the design company's sales strategy. In addition, Jebsen Watch will provide sales training and customary sales tools to retailers, and monitor and manage retailers.

  "Jebsen Watch has continued to expand in the China market in 2009 by maintaining strong relationships with local retail channels," said Mark Bishop, Group Director for Jebsen, "Now, we are pleased to add Skagen as a new principal to further boost our luxury business. This is an innovative brand that provides high-quality, fashionable yet affordable luxury goods. We are confident in its potential in this market and are geared up to draw on our more than a century of expertise in the region to help drive its success."

  "We believe that the Scandinavian aesthetic -- clean, elegant designs, skilful craftsmanship and technical precision -- that underlines all of our products has universal appeal," said Steen Albrechtslund, Group Managing Director for Skagen Designs, "And with the deep-rooted experience of Jebsen in Greater China, we look forward to exploiting the full potential of our brand in this region."

  About Jebsen Group

  What started over a hundred years ago as a general trading company has now evolved into a focussed marketing and distribution organisation, deeply embedded in the industries and markets it serves. With a unique long established presence in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Korea, the Jebsen Group offers local market access with a high degree of specialisation and knowledge to companies from around the world. From a broad spectrum of consumer, industrial, beverage and luxury products, Jebsen is responsible for bringing unparalleled quality to the regional markets, adapting to the rapidly changing business landscape in East Asia. Outside the region, the Jebsen Group enjoys close ties with sister companies in Australia, Bangladesh, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Denmark, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates and the United States.

  About Skagen Designs

  On the northern-most peninsula of Denmark where the North and Baltic seas merge, the picturesque beaches of Skagen offer respite from the commotion and complexity of modern life. It is no wonder countless artists have made their pilgrimage here to capture the stark, elemental beauty of the sea, the light, the air and the sand. In 1989, Copenhagen émigrés Henrik and Charlotte Jorst founded Skagen Designs on the same aesthetic ideals that inspired those artists. Skagen Designs produces accessories such as timepieces, jewelry, sunglasses and clocks that prize simplicity over embellishment and harmony over extravagance. Merging natural, high quality materials with clean, uncomplicated composition, Skagen epitomizes the beauty of Danish design. The everyday works of art created by Skagen Designs exude all that is beautiful in Danish design and provide its customers with affordable luxuries. Today, Skagen Designs in an international company with corporate headquarters in Reno, Nevada, USA, with regional offices in Albertslund, Denmark and Hong Kong, China. The company operates flagship stores in Skagen and Copenhagen, Denmark, and concept stores in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, Japan, and Taipei, Taiwan, and is positioned to open more flagship and concept stores across the globe in the near future. Products of Skagen Designs are currently available in over 60 countries and represented in more than 20 airlines.



